Jason's Guitar Lessons

Friday, January 20, 2006

Jason Ho, Lesson 2: Palm Muting part 2

Hi all,

Palm muting's bread & butter in guitar playing so it pays to master it. I've learnt the technique the hard way. The reason that I say that is becoz back when I started learning it, I didn't had the luxury of a good guitar with a fat distortion. My Vantage amp then had this puny overdrive so I had to maximize every single stroke to get a decent crunch befitting of Metallica songs...

Here's a demo of what my student Jason Ho mastered over last 2 lessons. Not bad! Jason, you just have to practice some more and you'll be Iron Maidening in no time! :)

Jason Ho giving palm mute a shot!

Here are some points that was given during the last lesson. Enjoy!

Palm muting: footnotes

Points to note:

- Don't grab onto the pick too tightly. A properly held pick does not require much strength and stays in position.

- Experiment around with where the palm touches the string to bring out maximum crunch in your palm mute.

- Don't rest your fingers on the strings or scratchguard so as to give your wrist freedom of movement.

- Relax, relax, relax! If you find your fingers and wrist tensed up then you've probably held the pick incorrectly.

- Enjoy and have fun! Don't worry if you don't get it perfect the first few times. Things will fall in place in time thru practice. :)


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